Engaging Remote Learners: The Smurfit School's Digital Community Approach to Strengthening Belonging and Student Success

Tuesday, June 18th | 10 AM MDT

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When commuting to in-person courses becomes too challenging, how do you support remote adult learners and maintain a sense of community and identity? Join us to explore how The Smurfit Business School at University College Dublin has addressed this issue. Learn about their research on connecting adult learners socially and academically, and gain insights into the LMS-integrated digital communities they use.

In this webinar, Audrey Dempsey, Business eLearning Manager at UCD College of Business, will share how they’ve created an online space for students, faculty, and staff through LMS-integrated digital communities. This model allows students to share knowledge, establish connections, and find answers anytime, anywhere. Discover their success stories, including increased engagement among international students and a preference for community interaction over traditional LMS discussions.

Attendees will learn how InScribe communities:

  • Broaden students' social networks and foster a stronger sense of belonging.

  • Enhance student engagement and provide continuous support.

  • Promote rich peer-to-peer learning and success through mutual support and minimal oversight.

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For further information, visit InScribe's website: www.InScribeApp.com

Digital communities can be easily implemented and integrated into your student journey to increase belonging, improve student outcomes, and set learners up for success. Talk to our team today.

WebinarDanielle Bonner